Develop an inclusive leadership mindset

Why attend this workshop?

Leaders in modern companies have to deal on a daily basis with all kinds of differences between internal and external stakeholders: cultural, generational, gender-based or “simply” personality-based. The need for a compass in order to understand expectations, behaviors and attitudes is extremely strong and the risk of stereotyping very high. Our ground-breaking workshop mixes knowledge and skills from three complementary fields – interculturalism, neuropsychology and conflict prevention – in order to help participants to develop a true inclusive mindset, that will help them maximize their performance and the performance of their people. It last two days with an optional extension of one day about neuropsychological drivers, ideal for leaders who want to improve their self-awareness and have a bigger picture about human behaviors.

Our methodology

We use two scientifically valid and powerful self-assessments, the IRC (Intercultural Readiness Check) and CDP (Conflict Dynamics profile), that participants fill out prior to the workshop. The average results of the cohort are shared and discussed during the workshop but individual results are kept confidential and are used as the foundation of a personal development plan. We also use case studies from the real life of participants to apply the theory and skills covered during the two days.

Who is it for?

Managers of all levels of experience and responsibilities who work with diverse teams and want to improve their self-awareness, collaboration and team effectiveness.

Intended benefits for the participants

During this workshop, you will learn to:
  • Reflect on why cultural, generational and gender awareness is important to succeed in
    your organization
  • Identify specific challenges you encounter when it comes to diversity
  • Develop a deeper understanding of respect for diversity and be able to link this with your
    organization core values
  • Gain knowledge about cultural dimensions, generational and gender theories
  • Understand and utilize concepts and models for dealing with challenging group and interpersonal situations, tensions, or conflicts
  •  Practice application of learning with case studies, task and exercises
  • Develop post class application behaviors around appropriate ways to manage in a diverse work environment
  • Commit to specific actions for change and improvement on how challenging situations are addressed

Every participant will get her/his individual Intercultural Readiness Check and Conflict Dynamics Profile reports as part of the workshop.

If you are a potential partner or client,
please contact us to know about our business model and explain your needs,
so that we can create an exciting learning experience for your target audience.