Our job is to create bridges between neuroscience and other fields of practice to improve effectiveness. We are recognized leaders in the application of neuroscience to OD (Organizational Development), Leadership, ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution), Advocacy, Conflict Management, Diversity and Consulting. If your practice is not listed above, don’t hesitate to contact us to see how we can help you.
We have a simple vision: our society and organizations need individuals who react positively to all kinds of stimuli and who are self-aware, authentic, supportive and open to change, to new ideas and to new people. Those individuals are not only more effective and productive, they also contribute to having less conflicts in our society.
We create bridges between complementary disciplines such as neurosciences, psychology, coaching, mediation, negotiation and integrate those different knowledges. We then make another bridge with the professional practice of our audience: leadership, HR management, negotiation, dispute resolution, coaching, etc.
Our services are exclusively based on a rigorous analysis of recent scientific research, papers, books, conference proceedings, under the supervision of our advisory board. When we are not sure about what science has to say, we don’t hide it and we don’t fake it.
We want to make a big difference for our clients. We know from brain science that awareness is a critical prerequesite of change and that acting upon this awareness is a condition of sustainable change – you, as a client, have to do the maths regarding how much time and money you want to invest in a process with us.